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Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question that isn't covered below, feel free to send me a message!

Palm Trees

What is a Health & Wellness Coach? 

A Health & Wellness Coach is someone who is trained in behavior change techniques, that partners with you to encourage, explore, empower, and motivate you in achieving your Health & Wellness goals. 


How does Health & Wellness Coaching work? 

Health and Wellness Coaching is a personalized process, where a certified Health & Wellness Coach facilitates discussion, exploring your unique needs, motivations, strengths, and insights to help you reach your Health & Wellness goals. This process involves an initial assessment, envisioning goals, tracking progress, celebrating wins, and maintaining new habits. 


What types of things can Health & Wellness Coaching help with?

Since the core of Health & Wellness Coaching is about changing behaviors, the opportunities are endless in what it can help with! Some examples include: diet changes and adherence, weight loss, physical activity/exercise changes, sleep issues, stress management, disease management, healthier lifestyle, meal planning and prepping, mind and body connection, and more. 


How often do we need to meet? 

Ideally, we would meet weekly for a minimum of 6 sessions. This is because the process is intensive, and results are best when we can work through consecutive sessions to troubleshoot and build on goals and maintaining habits. If you have scheduling concerns, we can definitely work around your needs. 


Do I need to have a health problem to do Health & Wellness Coaching? 

No, Health & Wellness Coaching can benefit everyone! Why wait until something is wrong to work on it? You can invest in your Health & Wellness preventatively, taking action before a problem arises. 



Disclaimer: Any information obtained from this website does NOT substitute for the care of a physician and/or other healthcare provider and is not intended to prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure any illness, disease, or medical condition.

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